Back in the saddle of your life hacks!

Sharing with you two different hacks to get out the door and moving towards your goals!

Can I let you in on a secret? Yes, you my dear newsletter subscriber… aka spoker! 

On Friday, I was transitioning out of the work week and feeling a deep desire to get out of my house and onto my bike, yet with the cooler winter temperatures, I was feeling the resistance to actually go and do it. 

Does that sound familiar to you? There is something you really want to go and do, but it’s like moving through mud to get out the door and go do it? 

And there was even more resistance because I hadn’t been on my road bike for a few weeks. I’m sad thinking how it was accumulating dust in the garage. But looking outside at the sunshine hitting the trees, it was literally time to get back in the saddle. 

1️⃣ The first step when I am in a state of resistance is to recognize this with open arms. I don’t put myself down. I greet this resistance with a smile and a nod.

Then, a friend texted me asking how I was doing. I replied genuinely. I was well, but procrastinating and I was committed to getting on my bike. The tide of resistance was shifting in naming it. And then out of pure silliness, I recorded this instagram reel. There was no way that I was now not going to take off my thinking cap, buckle my helmet and get out the door.

2️⃣ The second step when I am feeling resistance is to move from awareness to action specifically naming it aloud. If I am feeling particularly silly, I might even sing the chorus of Usher’s “Confessions” to playfully get it off my chest!

Usher GIF by iHeartRadio

Gif by iheartradio on Giphy

💪 Less than an hour later, I was riding away on my bicycle and feeling my energy, as the ribbons on my bike handlebars danced with the wind. I was overjoyed to be back in the saddle!

The two hacks I used on Friday to hold me accountable and get me out the door to go bike are actually the two same hacks I’m using to hold myself accountable to grow, Circle and Spoke:

  1. I share with a friend, family member or my coach about my goal/plan!

  2. I share in a more public format about what I’m up to, whether that be on Instagram, LinkedIn, this newsletter….

Of course there are certain things in my life that I’m not going to publicly announce, but these hacks are two in my toolkit to get me moving towards my goals! What hacks get YOU moving towards YOUR GOALS and back in the saddle of your life? 

  • Do you want to feel more strength in your body, so you sign up for that race or ride to commit to training? 

  • Do you want to feel more energized, so you create a vision board that emphasizes what such a feeling would look like for you? 

  • Do you want to feel more socially connected, but have been super busy, so you coordinate an AM workout with a friend, so you’ll actually get friend time in, albeit it at 7AM? 

I’ve shared two of the hacks I use to hold me accountable to my goals. I’d love to know what’s a goal that you have had recently and what was the hack you used or are using to successfully move through resistance and go do it? I’d love to spotlight that in an upcoming newsletter (you’ll be cited anonymously!) Email me at [email protected] . I’d love to hear it! 

Wheels up, 


PS- Stay tuned the details for a ride happening on Sunday, April 14th in Washington, DC. It’ll be far more exciting than staying indoors and freaking out about your taxes!