Book Worms... I need your suggestions!

Books can inspire adventure.

As an adventurous soul, it sometimes feels funny to curl up on the couch on a weekend afternoon, guarded from the elements to read. Yet, I love to read and one of the ways I find inspiration for future adventures is through a good book

Last year, after having this a-ha to bike from DC to Pittsburgh, I scoured my local public library’s catalog to find any book about a biking journey and found myself dreaming of cycling through Turkey and Kazakhstan, while curled up to Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey of the Silk Road

And the other day, after reading this inspiring Op-Ed from Caroline Paul about biking, I had to find out what Caroline had written and discovered she was just about to release (it’s now out!) Tough Broad: From Boogie Boarding to Wing Walking – How Outdoor Adventure Improves Our Lives as We Age. I just finished a chapter about SCUBA diving in your 80s. It’s got me dreaming of getting back in my SCUBA gear.

Yesterday morning it hit me it’d be such FUN, to compile a list of inspiring books by women and nonbinary authors about outdoor adventure to share with you ‘spokers’ (aka members of this Circle & Spoke Community). It could be a memoir, novel, or non-fiction book.

What books have inspired you to go on an adventure? 

Email me at [email protected] (or just reply to this newsletter) with a book that has inspired you to go on an adventure (bonus points if the author is a woman or non-binary). And if you have a moment to also share a line or three about why you loved the book, perhaps what adventure it inspired you to go on, I’d love to know.

I’d love to include your suggestions in the forthcoming list of Books that Inspire Adventure! 

So excited to hear from YOU!

Wheels up, 


PS- Another great way to inspire adventure in your life is to join a group that has one lined up! 

Join me for 🔥Ride & Reignite: A DC Biking Adventure for Bonding & Breakthroughs🔥happening in Georgetown, DC on Sunday, April 14th from 1-3:30pm, which is all about sparking that ✨ awesome adventure energy✨ in your life!

➡️ Tickets are limited and this will sell out, so register TODAY! Sign up today and use the Promo Code: NEWSLETTER10 to save $10 and get your ticket for $5 (The supply of these promo tickets is limited, so grab your tickets today!)

This is more than just your typical meet up where you are hoping to bond with new outdoorsy friends and walk away disappointed. We believe in creating events where there are authentic opportunities to bond and connect. 

I know it’s one the reasons you show up in the first place...It’s hard to make friends as an adult and going to an event with people of similar interests greases the wheel for making friends. And we go a step beyond that.

We ‘set the table’ for you to actually make friends that through top notch facilitating and fun games and connective prompts to get to know folks. I’m so excited for the new gal pals you are going to make thanks to connecting at this event.