GIRL YES!!! Confidently set off ....

Our wheels are turning to build a rad community of active, adventurous women. Help us find our posse!

Wouldn't it feel exhilarating to confidently set off on your next active vacation, together with companions who share your sense of adventure? 

Fun Yes GIF by Lilly Singh

Gif by lilly on Giphy

It isn’t so easy to find your crew to travel with, who mirror your excitement for adventure, and also want to pause for an extended cup of tea around the campfire for a soulful chat. 

Circle and Spoke empowers women through bike rides and retreats that uplift movement, rest, community and reflection. “Spokers” tap into their inner power and truth to shift gears in and out of the saddle and carry that inspired energy from retreat to life.  

  • We are for women who are at the back of the pack of a community ride, laughing with a new gal pal she just met. 

  • We are for women who don’t feel fully in balance on a bike, but are excited to give biking another try because our routes emphasize rail trails, away from car trafficked areas. 

  • We are for women who have never fixed a flat tire and keep meaning to find a shop that will teach her without dismissing her intelligence or handiness. 

  • We are for women who can’t recollect the last time she went biking and are excited to challenge herself to feel her strength and athleticism, in her own time and way. 

  • We are for women who can’t tell you the “specs” (specifications) of her gear and that’s totally fine by her.

As Circle and Spoke ramps up for our first ride this spring (stay tuned for full details), we could use YOUR SUPPORT! 

Do you have a friend, colleague or family member who keeps dreaming of their next active vacation, where she can make new friends and feel adventurous? 

Please forward her this email to invite her to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Instagram, so we can connect! 

Thanks so much for your support! Our wheels are spinning thanks to you and the community we are building. 

Wheels up,
