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  • Hack to make solo climbs (in and out of the saddle) more easeful

Hack to make solo climbs (in and out of the saddle) more easeful

The power of our imagination can help us to climb

Over the weekend, I saw quite a few tandem bikes and it was making me think how biking in essence is really a solitary activity. It’s the exception to have someone else to pedal and propel your bike alongside you. 

Unlike tennis or soccer or volleyball, where you can practice skills solo to bring into a team game, biking can be done solo or in a team. 

One of the reasons that I founded Circle and Spoke is because of the crippling loneliness epidemic that is facing our country, particularly the city where I reside, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. this year was ranked again as being the loneliest city in our nation. 

Why choose biking to address this loneliness epidemic if it’s already a solo sport? Perhaps wouldn’t tennis or soccer or volleyball be a better way to forge connection? 

You have a valid point! There are so many ways to address this problem and Circle and Spoke is offering one solution (not the solution), creating authentic spaces where women can shift gears in their lives through inclusive bike rides and retreats. 

And I think there’s great value in being in community as you pedal and guide the turning wheels of your bike and life forward. 

There are certain things in life that perhaps you’ll have to go in by yourself: 

  • Asking for that raise. 

  • Breaking up with someone for whom it isn’t the right match

  • Defending your capstone project or dissertation 

Consider these challenges to be in bike speak, an uphill climb. 

Perhaps you have to go at it alone, but I believe what makes those moments invigorating and connective, rather than lonely, is knowing that you too are climbing alongside others. 

  • You might be the only person advocating for yourself for that raise, but a friend the night before was pumping you up to state your worth! 

  • You might shake as you tell your partner it’s over, but you’ve listened to enough Sarah McLachlan to know you are in good company of being a brave soul. 

  • You might be scared to defend years of hard work and research, but you know a cheering squad is in the classroom that has your back. 

These are all solo climbs backed by a supportive community. You may have to go at it alone, but you aren’t lonely on the climb.

I think one of the major challenges in our world is that we are doing those solo climbs without a supportive community to turn to for support, celebration and care. 

I love riding and climbing hills with others. We get to cheer one another along. There’s the support, celebration and care.

And I want to share a hack for those moments you are climbing solo. Because loneliness naturally makes us forget the deep well of connection that surrounds us. 

Many times I am literally climbing a hill by myself. In those instances, I bring to mind a dear one. I envision them riding alongside me cheering me on as I do the same for them. Perhaps that friend lives hundreds of miles away. Perhaps I haven’t spoken to that friend in a hot minute, but I know our mutual care and support for one another is there. I focus my energy on our connection and cheering them on as they motivate me as I climb. They aren’t physically there, but in my imagination they are oh so real.

And the really cool thing is that this isn’t some sort of hocus pocus that I’m suggesting. There’s actual research about this. Researchers studied how a sense of social support, including having a good friend to climb a hill with or bringing to mind a supportive friend, impacted one’s perception of the slant of a hill.  Participants who were with a good friend or thought of a supportive friend saw a hill as less steep (for you research lovers… enjoy!)

This week ahead may have many climbs for you. And whether those activities are solo or in teams, I’m curious what magic will unfold for you when you bring a good friend to mind to climb with. I’m there cheering you on! You’ve got this!

Wheels up, 


PS- Come celebrate my selection as a 2024 Wild Gift Fellow at No Small Potatoes Celebration from Thursday, August 15th from 5:30pm-8:00pm at Peirce Mill in Rock Creek NW DC! I’d love to have you cheer me on so I can feel that energy and support as I head off on a 3 week wilderness trek in Idaho!