Hey, let's pause from the go-go-go

I love go-go music, but actually I'm talking about pausing from the incessant push to keep climbing.

What allows you to pause from the go-go-go and settle? 

At yesterday's Circle and Spoke’s Ride and Reignite, one of the big learnings and takeaways I had was how deeply people are seeking a pause from the go-go-go. 

It’s funny to think that with a name like “Ride and Reignite”, what people really took away was pause and ponder (perhaps I need to tweak the event title ;-)

There’s something oh so powerful in a world that says keeping climbing:

  • To downshift 

  • To slow your roll

  • To allow the wheels to stop spinning  

A breakthrough for many “spokers” (aka members of the Circle and Spoke community) was that something that helps them pause from the go-go-go is:

  • To be led, so you can drop out of the mental load you’ve been carrying 

  • To not know the exact destination, so you can get present to the birds and the breeze 

  • Having a community to nudge you into reflection, so you can talk it out!

What supports you in pausing from the go-go-go and settling? 

I’m so proud of what’s being built here at Circle and Spoke and thanks for being part of this ride! 

Wheels up, 


PS- Coming soon… photos from yesterday’s event! So grateful to Tara Pokras over at Tap Into Studio for snapping pics! 

PPS- Registration is open for Circle and Spoke’s next event Ride & Reignite: A DC Birding & Biking Adventure  on Sunday, May 19th from 1:00- 3:45 pm starting in Cleveland Park in DC. Can’t wait to flock together and shake our tail feathers with you! 

  • You’ll get to connect with other rad women and non-binary folx in the outdoors in a slow down, reflective way.

  • Our vibe is to help you pause from the go-go-go by guiding you to get present and slow down in nature when birding and biking. This is not a we'll now check off 50 species on a list while riding 50 miles!