It'd feel so good, BUT...

Do those words ever come out of your mouth?

Just heard the craziest news.  DC is barring all car traffic in honor of Earth Day later this month and is offering a free bike share for all residents to get around. How stinkin’ cool is that? So stinkin’ cool. 

Can you envision the clean air quality and joyful energy as people ride through the streets?

I can totally envision such a day, but that’s a little pulling of your leg (or chain) this April Fool’s!

This being said, it is Earth Day this month and biking is such a freeing, environmentally conscious way to get around. 

And if you are one of the many women I’ve spoken to this week, you’ve shared something like this with me.

“It’d feel so good to go biking, BUT ….

  • I got in a biking accident years ago and have wanted to get back on a bike, but I haven’t found the community where I feel safe to do that.

  • I haven’t biked in years and feel hesitant to get back in the saddle.

  • My bike isn’t tuned and is gathering dust in the garage. 

  • I would only go biking if there are no cars around because I get nervous around vehicles. 

I hear and see you sister! 

Getting back in the saddle isn’t easy. Whether it's biking, dating, returning from an injury, or a work setback…. Getting back in the saddle requires resilience, courage and a plan. 

And wouldn’t it feel amazing to make such a process of getting back in the saddle more smooth and easeful? 💯

One of the most easeful ways to get back into the saddle is to surround yourself with the good juju and a community that deeply cares and is ready to cheer you on. 

If this resonates for you, I want you to join me. Circle and Spoke is hosting Ride & Reignite: A DC Biking Adventure for Bonding & Breakthroughs happening in Georgetown, DC on Sunday, April 14th from 1-3:30pm. 

It’s more than just a bike ride. It's a juicy afternoon of connection and reflection combined with a leisurely ride to support you in getting back into the saddle of life and bond with some rad women & non-binary folks. These are folks who are saying yes even if things feel a bit rusty, scary or unfamiliar. Together we’ve got you!

You may have some questions, so feel free to hop on my calendar for a complimentary call or email me at [email protected]

Wheels up, 


PS- Tickets are limited and this will sell out, so register TODAY! Sign up today and use the Promo Code: NEWSLETTER10 to save $10 and get your ticket for $5 (The supply of these promo tickets is limited, so grab your tickets today!)