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- Questions to honor the fall
Questions to honor the fall
And no, I'm not talking about whether you should get that pumpkin spice latte
Have you ever had a friend come visit, who’s presence makes you see your world in a new light?
Over the weekend, a dear friend of mine from Bogota, Colombia arrived in my hometown of Washington, DC. As we walked around the city, with every shade of red and orange on the leaves, she burst into excitement, taking out her phone to capture the beauty and oohhing and awwing at the colors.
I personally lived in Bogota for a year and a half, so I can personally attest that contrary to what you might see in the movies, it isn’t a fully tropical country.
Changing seasons with an autumn, like we have in much of the United States, isn’t a thing in Colombia. This was the first time this Colombian friend had seen fall.
Her excitement heightened my awareness and appreciation for this annual phenomenon of the changing and falling leaves.
The changes in the trees remind me change is cyclical.
That it’s normal to let go.
Sometimes things in life will be a bit barren, but a new season will come.
The fall equinox was yesterday. A moment of balance between the light and the dark as we now creep towards the winter solstice and shorter sunlight in our days.
So as you hit the trail this fall, take a stroll in your neighborhood or take a look at your window, this is a beautiful time to reflect.
Perhaps get out your journal and ponder:
If I were like a leaf, what would I want to let go of?
If you were like the dwindling sunlight, what might not need to sit in the sunshine right now?
May you gracefully hold those words, like the gentle rocking of leaves falling from branch to ground.
Wheels up,
PS- Want to take pause in your life to rejuvenate your spirits? Want to actually embrace this beautiful fall season? Register today for our next ride!
Pedal & Pause: A Rejuvenating Escape on Sunday, October 6th from 10:30am- 4:00pm
If you’re an outdoorsy gal who is ready to recharge your energy with a posse of down-to-earth gals as you bike and slow your roll, then join us for a rejuvenating escape where you are going to come away with a renewed, wonder-filled spirit ready to embrace the twists and turns of the season.