💪🦸 Springing into your power

Putting pause on go-go-go when outdoors is key.

Wouldn’t it feel amazing to have tools to awaken to the life around you that makes you feel energized, connected and strong, even when set backs come?

The other week I was telling a colleague that after feeling out of sorts, having just received a perturbing piece of news, rather than go to the pantry and get a snack, I realized I had 5 minutes before my next meeting and I threw on my slip on shoes and went outside for some sunshine.

My colleague shared how pumped she gets when she hears about someone productively emotional regulating. It wasn’t an earth shattering amount of time outdoors, but enough time to feel some rays of sunshine on my face and take in some fresh air. The news didn’t go away, but I was caring for my body and slowing down. It was soothing and I returned indoors after 2 minutes and was far more present with the people on my following call than if I had just gone for the nuts. And both literally and metaphorically, it’s so easy to go for the nuts.

And while going outdoors is one way I support my emotional regulation, how we spend that time outdoors counts.

To mirror the cliche question of: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

If you are moving outdoors without being in touch with your senses, are you actually being in touch with the outdoors?

And that really hit home on Friday, as I participated in a half hour “Walkshop” from an organization called R&R: The Rest of Our Lives that’s all about the wellbeing of non-profit employees through rest. The Walkshop premise is to get people outside for a moment of slow, yet active rejuvenation through guided prompts and quotes. 

I put in my earbuds and left my house for the Walkshop and was invited by the facilitator, Josh, to slow down and take in the world around me. I’ve gone on a lot of walks lately, but the invitation to slow down and listen to the world around me, notice what was close up and on the horizon, invited me to get really present. And suddenly, I recognized spring was bursting to life. 

Green buds sprouting through their twiggy tips. Purple crocuses uncovered in the dirt. Red tiny blossoms coming to the surface. Cherry blossoms bursting in soft pink hues. Life was emerging. 

And life is emerging and will continue to do so. So, wouldn’t it feel amazing to have tools to help you awaken to the life in and around you that makes you feel energized, connected and strong?

I hope you’ll join Circle and Spoke on Sunday, April 14th from 1-3pm in Washington, DC for our first spring ride to experience life emerging in and around you and start to strengthen that toolkit of yours. You’ll get a taste of how powerful your body will feel when guided to experience active movement, play, community and reflection. 

Save the date! Sunday, April 14th from 1-3pm. Sign up to come soon! 

Wheels up,
