Survey says... share your favorite ice breakers

We'd love to hear your favorite ice breaker questions.

Earlier this week, during a group lesson, I went out on telemark skis for the second time in my life . I’m a strong alpine skier, yet trying a different skiing discipline was equal parts scary and exciting! 

What I most loved about the group lesson, beyond of course feeling a few moments of getting into the telemark flow, was connecting with fellow beginner telemark skiers.

Right before the first two chairlift rides, the instructor, Lance, told us to answer amongst our chair, “What’s the farthest you’ve been from this very point since this date last year?” and “Debate what’s the best dessert.” 

I learned about one person visiting Legoland with their children, another person biking in France and how Tiramisu is a beloved dessert by many! But more than anything, these ice breakers helped build a positive group dynamic, which rather than centering around nerves about trying out a new discipline or our jobs, went to a playful space of belonging and connecting.   The lesson was a non-competitive, supportive and fun!

Circle and Spoke is all about building welcoming communities and I’d love to hear from you a great ice breaker question that opened up a conversation and made you feel part of a new crew of folks… perhaps we’ll use your question to break the ice at one of our upcoming rides and retreats (stay tuned for more info!).

So drop me a line at [email protected] or comment on the Instagram reel above with your go-to favorite ice breaker!  

Wheels up,
